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What is your shipping policy?

We offer both domestic and international shipping options for our customers. Domestic orders typically take 1-7 business days to be shipped, while international orders may vary depending on the destination. For more details, please refer to our Shipping Information page.

What is your return policy?

We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied, you may return your item(s) within 14 days of delivery for store credit. Please ensure that returned items are in their original condition with all tags attached. For more information, please refer to our Returns section.

Do you offer repairs for damaged jewelry?

Yes, we offer repair services for damaged or worn jewelry. Please contact our customer service team for assistance regarding your repair request.

How can I care for my jewelry to maintain its beauty?

Proper care and maintenance are essential to preserving the beauty and longevity of your jewelry. We recommend gently cleaning your jewelry with a soft cloth and mild soap, avoiding harsh chemicals and abrasive materials. Additionally, storing your jewelry in a clean, dry place when not in use can help prevent tarnishing and damage.

How can I contact customer service for further assistance?

If you have any further questions or need assistance, our dedicated customer service team is here to help. You can reach us via email at info@aavaii.com. We strive to provide prompt and personalized assistance to ensure your complete satisfaction.